Imagine hating and despising a man so much, that you would not only flout the laws and traditions you claim to uphold; but would gleefully invite others to join you in your condemnation of the man.   

Imagine encouraging men to perjure themselves under oath so that you may obtain evidence to support your cause.  

 Imagine spending  years investigating the man, and finding no cause to try; you decide to create concepts to charge the man, since there is no legal justification to pursue him.  

 Imagine finding one who was once a confidant of the man to turn against him and betray him because you reward the traitor for his lies and betrayal.  

Imagine finding yourself so self-righteous that you are willing to charge the man with anything just so you can get rid of him.   

Imagine how great your pride must be when you convince others to charge the man and hold him in custody; and how much more when your falsehoods and calumny are seemingly rewarded and supported by those you choose to listen to.

Then imagine yourself asking, "Who is he speaking about?"


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