Cardinal Pell, the man the media wants to burn in Hell

 Cardinal George Pell of Australia passed away in Rome this past week, and the media has shown its typical classless act of condemning his soul and memory to hell; because he was a Roman Catholic Bishop.  I must preface my opinions on this by reminding the reader that, as a survivor of many forms of abuse myself at the hands of evangelical Christian abusers when I was young; I have a particular insight into the matters at hand in this story.  That being said, here's my take on the BS that has surrounded the liberal outrage and delight on this poor man's passing into the next life:

Cardinal Pell was the principle figurehead of the Australian Catholic Church for many years, before he was called to answer on trumped up charges of sexual abuse of 2 choir boys which allegedly occurred in the 1990's, in 2017.  He was convicted, and spent 404 days in solitary confinement before the charges were dismissed completely upon appeal.  Now when you take those facts in isolation, it seems like a high powered cleric got away with something, doesn't it?  At least, that is what the media and the premier of Victoria want you to believe.  

The truth is that the accusations made against the Late Cardinal were known to be completely false before the case even went to trial in Australia.  Both of the alleged victims admitted that they had made the stories up; but the Victoria authorities demanded that Pell be charged and convicted regardless of whether or not the supposed victims were actually victims.  They then locked him in solitary confinement for over 400 days, refusing his initial appeals to the High Courts, insisting that whether or not he was guilty of THESE charges, since he was a Catholic priest he must therefore be guilty of abuse at SOME point in his life.  In short, the Cardinal was not imprisoned for anything he had actually done; but because the liberal government of Victoria insisted that he COULD have done something, therefore must be guilty regardless of pesky little things like facts or admissions of alleged victims lying.

And now that a man who was falsely convicted, falsely imprisoned, falsely persecuted by his own government has died; the premier of Victoria decides to hold a press conference to announce there will be no state funeral for him (though it had not even been requested), because it would offend his victims.  With all due respect to TRUE victims of abuse, none of the people they trotted out to condemn him on television were convincing or could give any indication that Pell abused them.  The only thing they COULD say is that he potentially was possibly involved in covering up for abusive priests; but even that they can only say with anecdotal evidence (i.e. he was a Catholic Bishop, so must therefore be involved in such because that is what we all think Catholic bishops do).   

In short, the liberals in the Australian Government, the media, and "victim's rights associations" have only proven that they hold hatred for Cardinal Pell for who he is and was; and not for anything he actually did or did not do during his life and ministry.  They gleefully wish him to burn in hell because that makes them feel better about lying about a man and sending him to prison unlawfully; seeking to alleviate their own perverse consciences rather than pursuing truth and reconciliation.   Cardinal Pell is not burning in hell my friends, but the media and liberal trolls demanding him to do so are already warming their backsides by its gates. 

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