Building the Kingdom of Christ on Earth

 Those of us who have been involved in the ministry for any great length of time can all agree that one of the most difficult aspects of what we do is to try to convince people to come to church.   It seems easy enough on the surface: just go invite them!  The unfortunate truth of the matter is that the vast majority of people we encounter seem to not be able to care any less about the Church or Christ in general.  Oh they claim to be spiritual, many even claim they have that so-called "personal relationship with Jesus" that televangelists are wanton to sell: But ask them to take 5 minutes out of their day to pay a visit to Jesus in the sacrament or even just to stop into his house for a brief prayer of gratitude, and it's too much for them to bear.  

I have been a mission priest for over 10 years now, and trying to build up a small congregation is always increasingly difficult.  Yet in spite of seemingly insurmountable difficulty given the way of modern man, I and others like me continue ever on; knowing our mission is not to change men, but simply to try- to put forth the effort we can, and to give our all to what Christ has called us to.  The road may be hard and long, but it is the road to Christ despite all difficulty and trials we may endure along its path.  

And to those who think that it's okay enough to simply be "spiritual", or think that you needn't go to church because 'God is everywhere', consider this fact-

the entirety of the atmosphere is filled with water, yet when you want to drink, you must go to a fountain.   The church is the fountain where all mankind may find and be refreshed by Christ: a place where all creation may find the loving and gentle heart of Christ in his sacraments.   Don't ever put off visiting the Savior in his house simply because you think YOU know better; for there will come a day that you will wish you had visited him when you had the chance. 

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