Welcome Christmas

 Welcome, Dear Reader; and a Merry Christmas to you!

Each year we commemorate the birth of Christ by church services and age-old rituals at church and home; to welcome the Lord of all creation into our hearts and homes.  However, increasingly I find, that our so-called "modern society" seems hell-bent on trying to undermine and destroy the very foundations of this Sacred Holiday; as though it were nothing more than a mere bootleg copy of pagan celebrations.  

The argument over what in our Christmas celebrations is a holdover from pre-Christian traditions has been going on ever since the Puritans ruled England; and is unlikely (sadly) to end anytime soon.   The entire argument about Christmas's supposedly "pagan roots" stems entirely from the Puritanical notion that since the Romans were celebrating Christmas, it must therefore be a pagan holiday; since good, reformed Christians would NEVER celebrate a holiday.  Keeping in mind of course, that the Puritan religion celebrated NOTHING.  Ever since the Puritans declared the first war on Christmas after assuming control of England and the murder of King St. Charles the first; their successors have built on this shaky ground every century since.   They constantly introduce conjecture and opinion as though they were facts, offer arbitrary and faulty interpretations of interpretations of allegedly 'original texts'; and claim they themselves know when Jesus was supposedly really born because of their purported research: though when you inquire of them as to the extent of this research, it often contains nothing more than their reading of a fault-ridden article about the matter or watching a History Channel documentary (which are more often than not riddled with inaccuracies and outright falsehoods).    

The truth about the birth of Christ is quite simple: we can calculate the birth of Christ from sources both scriptural and practical-

John the Baptist's Father Zechariah was chosen to offer Incense in the Temple at Jerusalem, at the time of Yom Kippur (late September).  At that time, the Angel announced to him that his wife would conceive and bear a son who would be the forerunner of the Christ: John the Baptist.  From there, we go to the next scriptural point where the Angel Gabriel appears to Mary to tell her she will bear the Christ Child; and mentions that her Cousin Elisabeth (Zechariah's wife) is also pregnant, and that this is her 6th month of pregnancy.   This places the feast of the Annunciation on March 25th.   Traveling forward in time 9 months (the typical gestation period of humans), places the birth of Christ on December 25th.

The shepherds were keeping watch in their fields because December is Lambing season for most farmers, and they need to be on hand for when the sheep go into labor; if there is any intervention needed to assist.  It doesn't matter if December is "the rainy season" or if what the weather may have been doing, any shepherd will tell you the same thing- if you have sheep, you have to watch them.  

There's nothing at all un-Biblical about celebrating Christ's birth on December 25th; and constantly accusing Christians of merely hijacking pagan celebrations serves only to trivialize the pagans; since it proves their faith had no true basis, and also excludes the truth that the last thing these pagans did before they disappeared from history, was to convert to the Christian Faith.  

Merry Christmas to all, and may the birth of Christ this day inspire our hearts and minds to truth, justice, and love for all mankind. 


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