New Year, New Me!

 We've all heard it before, echoed every December 31st through the first week of January: "New Year, new me!"  

I can think of no worse a motto to proclaim, but so great an indictment against modern sensibilities, than this.  People spend so much time and money constantly investing in this idea of New Year's resolutions, telling themselves they'll change and that "this year will be our year!".   Yet how many of them actually end up committing to any form of actual, lasting, change to themselves or their surroundings?  The reason for this is quite simple- these resolutions are based on passing, changeable, and often momentary fancies; which we consider of utmost importance.  We promise to lose weight, to be kinder, to spend more time with friends and family, to work less, to enjoy life more; but rarely do we spend time in introspection, to see what the cause of our perceived troubles truly is. 

True change, when it is needed, is not something superficial which society deems the most important; but is an inward, life-altering, spiritual enlightenment.  It is that sort of change that can only occur when we look past our own wants, our own desires, our own selfishness; and realize that without Christ, all else is worthless.  Though we may make vast amounts of money in life (which is unlikely due to current economic woes and ever-increasing taxation), and may go many places and see many people; at the end of lives we find that the journey has been pointless and fruitless, if we did not go with Christ.  

My wish for each of you in this coming year, is to know the love of God for you, to welcome him gladly into your lives and homes; and to walk with him each day of the rest of your lives.  Because it is only when we have within us the light of Christ, that we can see the best way to go.  


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