Holy Innocents, and Standing up to Corrupt Politicians

 December 28th and 29th are among the important feast days in the Christmas Season, as they are respectively the feast of the Holy Innocents and St. Thomas Becket (of Canterbury).  The feast of Holy Innocents commemorates the children of Bethlehem who were murdered on the order of king Herod; who was trying to kill the Christ Child in the mix.   The feast of Thomas Becket commemorates the great Archbishop of Canterbury who stood up to a corrupt king of England who demanded ever-increasing power and authority over aspects of human existence he had no right to, namely religion.  

Ah, how quickly mankind progresses in its eternal march towards its ultimate demise!  Today our clergy and civic leaders demand that mothers be allowed to murder their own children in the womb because of "women's right to choose".  Even more clergy willingly and whole-heartedly cast aside their sacred duties in favor of legalistic mumbo-jumbo about "protections" under the law.  Did we not see multitudes of pastors and parishes slam shut their doors to the faithful at the very first insistence of the government so to do?  Did we not see preachers and pastors shun the faithful for fear of contagion; while the ministers of abortion were allowed to continue their blasphemous and unholy work in peace? 

The Federal government in this nation have a special passion in their work for us: in that they would prefer to replace any church or religious structure with that of their own making- a church of politics, if you will.  They bash any denomination or individual church over the head with the rod of governance anytime they are contradicted, and gleefully tell us that we should not concern ourselves with the care of the poor, the sick, the homeless, the orphan, the widow; because the state will take care of them.   The state promises care for all, home for all, food for all; yet how quickly they abandon that credo and move forward from it as though it were never made.  If questioned, they mock the inquirer for not being supportive enough of "the party" and blame everyone but themselves for their own failures. 

In times like these, we need new Beckets to rise up against unjust and despotic rulers, to hold against them the sacred Cross of Christ and deny them further advancement into men's lives.  It is for us as ministers of Christ to hold up the Cross and draw that proverbial line in the sand and tell the corrupt and wicked ministers of state that we will not let them take us silently into the night of despair and wickedness that they would have us in.  We need men and women of courage who are willing to call out these ministers of state when they commit such evils, so that we do not find ourselves in a living hell on earth of progressive heresies; where all crime is legal, individuals have no rights, and where the only crime is to have faith in anything save government alone.

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