Ordo Avaritiae of the Bishop of Rome

This week, the Bishop of Rome has chosen to issue an apostolic letter to exhort the Roman Catholic bishops in the United States against President Trump and the ongoing efforts to secure the Mexico-America border and to deport criminal, illegal immigrants in the United States. While the Bishop of Rome is entirely within his right to tell his lackeys to do whatever he fancies at a given point in time, his claims on the Christian response to a situation with precedent not seen since the fall of Rome; are not only tone-deaf, but contrary to the natural law and the dignity of the citizens of a free nation. It is entirely true: the United States is a nation that is built upon a bedrock foundation of immigrants from various places in the world. Indeed, it is this tapestry of patrimonies which has given the US its unique, cultural importance on the world stage in the modern era. But what comprises such a nation, and more importantly the national identity?...